Joan As Police Woman - The Classic (Play It Again Sam)

Joan As Police Woman – The Classic (Play It Again Sam)


Joan As Police Woman… No, this isn’t a conversation overheard one evening about a lady and her fancy dress costume. It is in fact Joan Wasser, a singer song writer from Brooklyn, who’s about to release her fourth album The Classic via Play It Again Sam.

Coming to the forefront in 2006 with her début album Real life and two more records since (To Survive 2008 and The Deep Field 2011) and many live performances which include working with names such as Elton John, Rufus Wainwright and Reggie Yates.

The Classic out March 10th 2014, is stronger than her previous work. Her voice is of an apathetic style, proving that Joan As Police Woman is doing what she loves. If you like it, then great, if not then keep on listening as the beautiful tones with the band behind her send shivers down the emotional spine.

There’s a 50/60s feel to track The Classic which is a highlight of this record, with an appearance by singer song writer Joseph Arthur, who adds an incredible doo wop melody to Joan and her harmonious group. It’s been a long rocky road since I have begun”, lyrics that flow beautifully which showcase they have worked hard to get to where they are going.

A big band sound that is reminiscent of Beats & Pieces, the Manchester based jazz group, who are able to tell a story with their musical talent. This is exactly what Joan As Police Woman is able to achieve with this record, along with Get Direct’, which is another stand out which has the feel of a smoky fuelled room as Joan’s voice penetrates the space with soul.

Vocal talent that’s growing with every album and live performance and with tracks such a Shame’, Joan As Police Woman gives emotion to her words and music that cannot be compared to anyone due to the occasional mood change within the record.

The Classic is an eclectic mix that’s upbeat with an occasional tune that can get the sweet emotion to begin with a loving couple.



God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.