As the acclaimed duo Summer Camp – aka Elizabeth Sankey and Jeremy Warmsley – are gearing up for the release of their much anticipated debut LP with Pledge Music later in the year, here is just another scintillating glimpse of what is to come.
As with previous tracks the band have given away recently as downloads – the skyscraping synth pop of “Nobody Knows You” and the twisted disco monster “I Want You”, “Better Off Without You” represents yet another crucial piece in the shiny new Summer Camp pop puzzle, being an instantly infectious, gloriously breezy pop song that packs a considerable wallop, its soaraway choruses belying Sankey’s casually resigned sighs of “I’m better off without you/ we both know that’s true”. It is a deliciously subversive love song gone wrong (particularly when she sings, “you’re so embarrassing when you’re cry”), but also more fully fleshed, bolder and more vibrant than anything in their previous oeuvre, hinting at a debut album which is both thrillingly unpredictable and exciting indeed.
Speaking of the album – there is still time to make a pledge, if you haven’t already done so – just go to and you can keep up to date with its progress while also choosing from an array of brilliant pledges, from one-off, tailor made mixtapes to homemade brownies to tickets to festivals.
1. Better Off Without You
2. Probably Right