Track Of The Day #308: Happy Families - New Forgetting

Track Of The Day #308: Happy Families – New Forgetting


Ex-Bowery Electric man Lawrence Chandler has teamed with vocalist Lucia Rivero under the cheekily inappropriate name Happy Families to extrude a 7” single of shimmering, squalling guitar, droning static, beautiful, beatific vocalizing and relentless, simple drum patterns to create something as melancholic and strangely romantic as vintage era MBV. It’s titled ‘New Forgetting’ and is just as evocative as the title suggests. Sure, it wears it’s influences on it’s sleeves but they’re bloody lovely sleeves at that.

It’s backed with a fuzzed, stoned to sickness take on The Ramones’ ‘I Remember You’ that subverts the original, and takes it on a JAMC journey through the backstreets of overdriven shoegaze while maintaining it’s dark-pop sensibilities.

It sees a release on Sonic Cathedral on 7” and as a digital download on July 15th – there’ll also be copies available at the indie market this coming weekend in that London, details here:

There’s also a free show from the band at the Social in London next Monday 15th July.



God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.