Saffron of one time Brit-electro-pop act Republica sparked a furious social network exchange a few nights ago, reacting badly to a plea for help on behalf of London duo You The Living on Facebook. In a startling tirade Saffron seemingly dismisses their song writer Aidy James Stevens’s crippling IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease – an umbrella term for Chron’s, Ulcerative Colitis, etc) for IBS, laying into the group for daring to put out an appeal set up by his wife and song writing partner on a public Facebook page, in an attempt to funds for private health assistance(link) after a long struggle to gain help via the NHS. The insensitive comments have since been deleted by the page owner but we have managed to obtain screen grabs from the discussion.
Following Saffron’s unprovoked personal salvo, Aidy James Stevens responded “She obviously didn’t read a fucking word of it because I don’t have IBS – it’s a form of IBD, which makes IBS seem like a birthday present!”
Aidy the, You the Living songwriter is hard at work on their first album which will no doubt plumb the depths of their ghostly gothic, industrial haunted sound, Aidy dismisses the work of Republica ‘I mean, From Rush Hour With Love? What on Earth was THAT? We’re a goth, industrial AND shoegaze band all at once and we still don’t have to rehash the same old cliché over and over.
‘We’re about to release our debut album that I’m extremely proud of and The People’s Republica of Dead Career haven’t done anything since their jingle for Halfords, so I can understand why she’d be a bitter, twisted, hurtful bitch.
He finished “If Saffron wants to admit she got it wrong and wants to apologise and make it up to us, I’m open. Otherwise, she can fuck right off.”
You The Living are currently working on their debut album which they claim will be one of the darkest records ever committed to record:
Replublica are still playing their two and a half singles from the 1990s at weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs and funerals.