It probably hasn’t escaped your attention but there’s a Westminster election this Thursday, our chance to have our voices heard. Our system may suffer from a desperate democratic gap, that favours the interests of big business and special interests over people, our major parties may sometimes appear very similar and our First past the Post system at times makes it hard to feel like your vote matters, but don’t let all of that drive you towards apathy that’s what they want. Never has an election been on such a knife edge, so here at GIITTV we urge you to vote this Thursday because your vote will really matter…
Anyway all of which pontificating leads us to our brutal, raw punky balls to the wall Track of the Day ‘Sick of this Shit’ by Cause of Accident, that oscillates between the hammering riffs of The Damned and the manic incendiary sound of The Dead Kennedys. A politically charged abusive supernova that takes aim and fires off vitriol towards the ConDem coalition that have presided over the country for the last few years, which has seen an increase in food banks, a decline in living standards and a creeping privatisation of the NHS. Politics and music are often uneasy bedfellows but this track, (which was nestled in the top 100 of the Amazon chart last week) takes a simplistic but effective blunt instrument to the incumbent government. (“I’m sick of this shit one law for us all and another for the rich.”)
Chris from Cause of an Accident who are responsible for this tune explains its genesis:
“A few years back, I got so utterly fed up with all the hateful actions of the Tories in government that I reached a bit of a breaking-point whereby the only thing left for me to do was open my mouth and scream. I channelled this anger into an abusive (but extremely catchy) punk tune, which I’ve now recorded for release next week.
The song’s called Sick of This Shit with all proceeds being donated to food bank charity The Trussell Trust. Now, it’s not big and it’s not clever – it is, in fact, mostly just a lot of shouting and swearing – but it gets the job done with a minimum of fuss while hopefully articulating what a great many people are thinking at the moment.”