
The Lovely Eggs/Peaness – Clwb Ifor Bach, Cardiff – 25/4/2016

It’s a Monday night and Cardiff’s infamous Clwb is packed to it’s gills with the crop of the cities Indie music scene. It’s the location for the return of beloved underground two piece Noiseniks The Lovely Eggs to a city that they have many connection’s with, and the venue is filled with avid, excited expectation.

Before The Eggs unleash their lovable assault the stage is filled by Chester based Infectious Indie Pop trio Peaness. Whose name alone has created many humorous situations for your’s truly, the band charm and pummel in equal measure, unleashing spiky, punchy and catchy three minute gem’s that cry out of future glories awaiting them. Like a Manga cartoon come to life Peaness are a life affirming breath of fresh air that rise above their peers with ascending harmonic assuredness and sheer conviction. Pop anthems such as Summer Song and the Chancellor baiting new Single O George drive the point home whilst the corrosive and infectiously catchy No One brings everything to an explosive close. It just all draws me to conclude that everyone needs a bit of Peaness in their life!

The Eggs have built a loyal and loving fan base in the city and adopted South Wales as a second home, so they are welcomed back with loving open arms. The swarming crowd surges towards the stage area as they kick off with I’m having A Party. Unleashing everything with a loose but tight fervent zealour, it’s time to strap yourself in for the ride. Front person Holly commands the stage with her usual rag doll charm whilst drummer David lays down the usual floor quaking rhythms to her guitar lacerations. Kicking their Garage charms into overdrive with the brilliantly titled People Are Twats and continuing with shambolic grace through short sharp jabs to the plexus such as I like Birds and Music . Previous single Magic Onion meanwhile, swirls its way out with brilliantly Psychedelic carpet ride glee.

Between affectionate nods to their love of the location (“Spillers isn’t just the oldest record shop in the world, it’s the best!“) and occasional goofy false starts they succeed in tearing the roof off tonight and everything closes with an ecstatic Don’t Look At Me. Its a wholly triumphment , sweaty, fuzz laden soiree of a night that opens the path to many happy returns to follow!

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.