Davey Macmanus, front man with The Crocketts and The Crimea is now releasing an autobiographical album with accompanying book. ‘The Bluster Boy’ is released on the 23rd of August via Rotten Poetry and the album will be a free download. Pre-order the new collection from Davey MacManus now!
The launch night for ‘The Bluster Boy‘ will be held at Bridge Street Book, Wicklow, Ireland on the 23rd of August, featuring music and readings the evening will be live streamed exclusively here on the God Is In The TV website. Tickets BridgeStreetBooks.ie
The press release says: “The Bluster Boy is an incredible selection from 30 years of writing paired with archive photographs that give an insight into Davey’s life and career.
Bringing together poems and prose written at different stages of Davey’s life. From teenage angst, through the whirlwind of life in the music business, then making a career in healthcare and charity work. The Bluster Boy offers the life-journey of a a troubled artist through mental health difficulties, eating disorders, drug addiction and, eventually, recovery.
A personal collection essential for fans of Davey’s previous poetry or music, but also for anyone to see the journey of a poet, life on the edge of fame and the music business or just passionate, personal poetic expression.”
To read more about Davey’s life head here.
Photo by Neil Gavin