Adam Green’s latest project is a film reworking the tale of Aladdin, featuring his own strange cartoon set drawings, and...
30 results for
Jacques Brel
With his much-anticipated solo debut album 2013 due for release 18th March on Moshi Moshi, one of this year's brightest prospects, Meilyr Jones, releases a new track, 'Featured Artist', as a single.
Alluding to pre-gig nerves for this homecoming show, frontman Biff Smith recounts a tale of going for a “walk around...
Many years ago my mum came down to London for a few days to stay with me in my flat....
The wonderful Marc Almond doesn’t half get a raw deal. Prolific solo artist, the finest English-language interpreter of Jacques Brel,...
Not that he’d ever welcome such a romanticised and gushing title as ‘national treasure’, it is true that Jarvis Cocker...
What if Steinbeck and Kerouac were drinking buddies? What if Lou Reed and Jacques Brel wrote songs together? What if...
Plucked from the scattered regions of the musical quadrant a polygenesis mix of new releases, drawing in enervated wafting drone;...
Citing Brel, Bach and Bob Dylan as influences, Paul Kowalski writes songs full of harmonium, harmony and deliberate disharmony; and has an...
And so music’s most brooding, crooning, enigmatic soul reached his 70th year this week (9th January). We celebrate the patriarch...
London-based Rebekah Delgado has produced a marvelously theatrical self funded album entitled ‘Don’t Sleep’ unlike many one or two track...
‘Hey pal…come down and join the living!’ Much has been made of Scott Walker’s avant-garde trajectory: from his...
Adventurous London FatCat band Breton released one of the albums of our year ‘Other People’s Problems’ earlier in 2012.Their new...
Philip Jeays is one of Britain’s best-kept secrets. Unfortunately this means the world at large is unaware of his wonderful...
It could be argued that Joe Murphy’s opprobrious poetic London troupe, Sergeant Buzfuz, were not just repeating what’s already been...
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