Track Of The Day #140: DIVA - Lonely Drive 3

Track Of The Day #140: DIVA – Lonely Drive

‘It’s Friday night and I tried so hard to go out on the town/see some people lift my frown…’ croons lovelorn Los Angeles chanteuse Diva Dompé. Accompanied by a wonderful video shot on location in Los Angeles by up-and-coming filmmaker Alex Constable, with it’s retro car and 60s drive in Hollywood backdrop these visuals are reminiscent of David Lynch films like ‘Mulholland Drive’ and ‘The Lost Highway’. Diva‘s beguiling tale of loneliness peaks as she peers out at the skyline ‘So far away they might as well be stars/because each one is a human and I’m in outer space’. ‘Lonely Drive’ is a wonderful torch song that effortlessly surfs that affecting place between the dream pop of Mazzy Star and the tragi-romance of Lana Del Rey, watch and listen to the video below!

Diva has shared tours with Ariel Pink, Os Mutantes, Sun Araw, M Geddes Gengras, Matthewdavid and Mi Ami. Before deciding to focus mainly on her solo work, Diva was a member of Pocahaunted, L.A. Ladies Choir, and blackblack. Her brand new album Moon Moods (on Critical Heights) is out now.

Video Credits:
Director-Alex Constable
DP-Jesse Fleming
Editor- Campbell Logan
Wardrobe/Makeup-Lola Dompe

Diva – Lonely Drive from CRITICAL HEIGHTS on Vimeo.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.