You know how sometimes a record or sound clip comes along and scratches that nagging itch you’ve had for a while, well right now at this very instant Lizzie and the Yes Men’s ’Deserts’ is doing just that. Following on from their debuting platter – ‘The Broadwalk’ – which harrumph – we missed – and which by all accounts caught the ears and affection of certain radio and TV types, the beat pop combo who describe themselves as ’Tarantino surf pop’ sorties who blend surf, pop – obviously – and desert rock have a new single about to surface. ’Deserts’ (a teaser moving picture show below – indeed we’re all over this like a rash) smoulders seductively with an acutely betraying spectral coolness, kinda like a 60’s femme fronted groove groop sneaking out back of a studio when Spector had his back turned and sloping off into some trashy haunt and wowing and smoking out a slightly belligerent audience with their parched and sparse brand of heart panging torch teased spell crafted love voodoo which just in case you were in need of reference markers we’d hazard a guess is the dust cracked meeting point where early incarnations of the Creatures, brand violet and Vandellas crisscross. Yep that good.