Track Of The Day #185: The Puncture Repair Kit - This Year

Track Of The Day #185: The Puncture Repair Kit – This Year

New Year’s resolutions eh? We all make them. I promise to lose weight, and I REALLY promise to be happier and healthier this year! The truth is that once March rolls around, we are more often than not back to our normal old ways, and we’ve totally forgotten those resolutions anyway. The plain fact is that our happiness and luck are much more tenuously fate-driven than we will often chose to accept. Also what’s this new trend for getting people to fund your charitable new year’s resolutions, such as the slew of ‘dryathons’ that are currently springing up? Don’t they all smack of needing another excuse to keep those resolutions unbroken?

Anyway, today’s first Track Of The Day for 2013 is a rather more hopeful ditty, from Cambridge’s self styled “rickety chamber pop band” the Puncture Repair Kit, who have returned with a free new year song entitled ‘This Year’ for all of your ears.

Building gradually from intertwined boy/girl harmonies, threaded with strums and violins patterns into almost Los Campesinos-esque clattering streams of consciousness, it takes in Middle Eastern politics alongside somewhat more tender and modest hopes for improvement and tolerance. Happy new year y’all……

Download it here for FREE:

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.