INTRODUCING:  Salvation Jayne talk debut album A Mouthful of Magnificent Spite 3
Credit: Sean Hardy

INTRODUCING: Salvation Jayne talk debut album A Mouthful of Magnificent Spite

Salvation Jayne are an alt-rock band from the UK who are creating some noise – in all senses of the word.  They release their album on 18 February 2022 and it is a powerhouse of a debut.  I had a chat with the band to learn more.

Welcome Salvation Jayne. Could you introduce yourselves and tell us how you got together as a band?

We are Dan (Bass), Chess (Vocals, Keys), Tor (Drums), Holly (Guitar) & Erim (Keys). I guess we all met via Dan’s studio (Anchor Baby Recording Company) in Ashford. We all fell together after Dan meeting us there.

Congratulations on the album A Mouthful of Magnificent Spite. I understand it took around two years to write because you were disciplined that all were in agreement with each song. Was that an added pressure, or in fact did lockdown help as you couldn’t tour and you could focus on song-writing?

Thank you. Most of it was written before lockdown gradually. We do all have a say in the writing, yes, and all of the songs are written with all band members involved. If we’re not all feeling it, we don’t keep it!

We love bouncing off of each other. In lockdown Dan & Chess demoed some ideas which were then finished when we could all get back together rehearsing again… they became ‘Apathetic Apologies’ & ‘A Mouthful of Magnificent Spite‘. We then wrote ‘No Antidote’ just in time before we went to record the album at Rockfield!  We knew we had to come out of this pandemic mess with a big album BANG!  It was a long time coming!  All the pandemic did was just stall our writing time together really, screwed our finances from not gigging too, but it did get the creative flow going and the band members wanting to get back to it more than ever, and not taking any of it for granted.


The album covers some dark subjects including narcissism, toxic relationships, and the struggles of mental illness. However, the songs are full of energy, passion and fire. Do you find making music helps to release negativity, and unlocks such struggles as you can share experiences in your music?

Chess: I feel music is a great way to get society to hear other people’s perspectives.  It’s a freedom to let all that’s inside, out.  I’m really proud of the subjects that naturally came up whilst in writing mode.  They are things I feel very passionate about.  People don’t listen. It’s like talking to a brick wall I feel most days with a lot of people.  So it’s nice to let it out through a song, whether someone is listening or not.  If someone wants to listen, sing along or can relate to it then that’s a massive bonus!

Tor: Music is a creative outlet and a great way to release that energy, in terms of lyrics, beats, and rhythms too.

It’s difficult to ignore the pandemic as its impact has been far-reaching and affected everyone. It was devastating for artists to be told to ‘unlearn’ their art to find another job. How did you feel about this?

We’ve all felt the hit. We’ve all felt robbed of two years out of our music careers but we’re now more than ready to move faster than ever to catch up and grow further.

Did you play any gigs in 2021, and what are your plans for touring in 2022?

We played quite a few gigs in 2021 luckily!

2022 is jam-packed with our album tour.  Every one is a headline gig too!  Including our album launch at The Moth Club in London on the 26th Feb!  Followed by some amazing shows up & down the UK through to March.

And finally, if I looked in your fridge right now what would I find?

Chess: An empty fridge, as the band has been so busy I’ve not had time to go shopping!  The album campaign has officially taken over our lives, which is exactly what we wanted!  But roll on a day off to go food shopping!

Tor: We have one of those Marshall fridge’s that is filled with all different types of beer, water, cold coffees, and fizzy drinks. Living the dream…


Salvation Jayne release their debut album A Mouthful of Magnificent Spite on 18 February 2022.

For more information on the band check out their facebook and website.

Salvation Jayne play a date in London at the Moth Club on 26 February followed by a UK tour in March.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.