Track by Track: Wartgore Hellsnicker – Moderate Rock EP


Once upon a time, Watford opened its legs and fucked the world…”Moderate Rock” is a love letter to Sub Pop 1989 from “Never Say DIY!” activists Audio Antihero Records: Specialists in Commercial Suicide and their new signing the mighty WARTGORE HELLSNICKER – the masters of “noise rock party chaos”. Blurring the sounds of Sub Pop’s early “Primal Rock” assault ( Mudhoney, Tad, Blood Circus, Green River , “Bleach”) with brass/funk lunacy of Mr Bungle and the impassioned yelp of early Modest Mouse “Moderate Rock” is an unpredictable (and frankly fun) record that offers “ugly music for ugly people”.

To celebrate its release this week Paul Terris (Vocals/Guitar/Spokesperson) of Wartgore Hellsnicker has sent his subjective and unscientific track by track guide to their awesome new ‘Moderate Rock’ EP(stream below). That’s eleven minutes are bizarre, genre bending and bloody noisy in almost equal measures!

The over-analysis of poetry, novels, music or art at school meant destroying everything that made them beautiful whilst fabricating some sort of meaning for the sake of self-entertainment and satisfying whoever had the filthy task of having to mark it. The truth is writing about any art form will never translate where it comes from and where it is going. With that in mind, this is an unrealistic dissection of four love songs I made with my friends. I apologize.

Karl vs Groucho

Is a sexy song based around a fuzzy bass riff. Not the suicide inducing Romeo and Juliet romantic wordy kind of sex, but the cheap nasty wordless drunken car-crash sex that allows one to get through the boredoms of every day life, and forget about humans infinite wants and the worlds finite resources. Groucho Marx and Karl Marx were the two sexiest men that ever lived, and thus the song represents the embarrassing attempts of people to solve the inner dilemma of whether to come across as funny or intellectual for the sake of sexually advancing.


Is a **** song which never uses the word ****. Fresh **** is dangerous business, attempting to quantify it in a word can lead to absolute spontaneous combustion and or mental decomposition for all eternity. C and F are the first letters of my two favorite words, nothing to do with the two chords to which the song is based. The pow! Is the sound of a gun, the most recognizable weapon of death. If it had been written 1000 years ago it may have been called C+F=sshhww, the sound of a spear through the air.

Ten to Two

Is the time the Argos catalogue like to set supermodel watches to, it make them look like they are smiling. Its also a drinking song about the last ten minutes of a club night, going out with the intention of dancing in a bid to attract a mate and not realising dutch courage until it’s too late, or too drunk.

Need Your Love

This song is actually written in the main by and old reclusive friend called Muz, the best songwriter you’ve never met. Muz would demo song ideas on dictaphone while asleep, and add the results to backing tracks on his Amiga 500. When we were younger and taping heavy metal albums for each other he turned me on to the beauty of 8-bit computer game music by filling the gaps at the end of ferric 90 tapes with tunes from the likes of Megaman or James Pond, and I think this comes across in the riff. The chorus has like many of his ideas has a real 80s power pop feel. He’s always had difficulty finishing songs and this may be the closest you’ll ever get to hearing his work.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.