The crowd is a little thin on the ground for Apache Relay – a six-piece band from Nashville. Bringing with them three guitars, a bass guitar, keys and drums – and I’m pretty sure I spotted a violin somewhere – they squeeze themselves onto the tiny stage. It doesn’t look comfortable, but I’m excited to hear them. Sadly, I’m left a little disappointed. The music is damn near perfect, but the vocals are what’s letting them down, sounding muffled through the speakers. The backing vocals cannot be heard at all. I was right about that violin, but it isn’t heard above the many guitars. The backing vocals, it turns out, can be heard after all, but you have to get much closer to the stage, which, given the crowd is patchy, that isn’t too difficult. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said of the lead vocals which still sound as though the mic and speakers have been wrapped in a thick towel. The sound would work perfectly without the vocals, at least here.
Three tracks in and the violin is once again swapped over for the keys. One thing is clear – Apache Relay are brilliant with pop-infused melodies. It’s a very ambitious sound that’s both confident and cool in an effortless sort of way. Under normal circumstances, this can come across as arrogant and pretentious but Apache Relay have none of that, just talent and a great ear for sound. The crowd are swaying a bit, and yet at the same time they also look as though they don’t quite know what do with themselves making it seem a little awkward.
Each and every track so far has had a drum-lead introduction and it is, if I’m honest, erring on the side of boring and predictable. It’s good, but equally good would be a little shake up here and there. Oh yeah, the band are a hit with the crowd, said with a shovelful of sarcasm… There’s a couple at the back who are finding it very hard to keep their hands off each other. In all seriousness, I’m not entirely sure what this says about Apache Relay and their ability to hold a crowd’s attention. I suspect a lot of alcohol is involved and the temptation to knock them over is almost too great to ignore.
Another track opens on drums, but with that done with, this one is a little different to last. Actually scratch that; if the previous tracks have oozed cool, this one is positively swimming in it. They choose this moment to announce that this is their first ever time in Glasgow. Bless ’em… If they were hoping to rouse the slightly sleepy crowd, their efforts have been wasted. The majority of the audience are either staring off into space or holding conversations; the rest are moving, but only just.
Every track ends with a smattering of polite applause and a couple of whoops, but nothing more. Apache Relay have the music figured out very well indeed, but perhaps they need a much larger space for anyone to fully appreciate it. Again, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure if the vocals really add anything to their sound at all. I wonder if maybe they should consider stripped back a layer or two if only to satisfy my own curiosity.
In the run up to The Weeks taking Apache Relay’s place on the stage, the crowd increases considerably and all too soon it is almost impossible to move and the air is thick with expectation. I’ll confess I’ve never heard The Weeks before, despite my best efforts before this evening, but this alone makes me wonder if perhaps I’ve been missing out.
The crowd are rather more inebriated than they were before. This isn’t always a good sign, but I’m still hopeful. The band literally tumble out onto the stage and burst straight into song, making the crowd go a little wild. The sound is loud, a little brash, very bold and very confident. The vocals do have something of a Crash Test Dummies vibe with a touch of Kurt Cobain mixed in. Think Cobain plus a large dose of honey… Deep, rich and warm with a touch of danger thrown in, too. The only problem is that they seem to have the same problem with sound as Apache Relay; the vocals are inexplicably muffled.
Do these guys ever stop? They are constantly in motion, utterly incapable of keeping still, with the vocalist repeatedly tangling himself up in the microphone cable. I can’t help but wonder if, or when, he’ll go too far and wind up toppling off the stage or worse, strangling himself. And they’re all so bloody young, so much so I automatically feel responsible for them. So far, it doesn’t seem like The Weeks do calm and chilled in any shape or form. It takes a little time, but the crowd eventually find their groove and start dancing.
Already, barely even halfway through their allotted time, it’s obvious The Weeks are so much fun to see and hear. After declaring that “the last time we were here it was crazy. I’m expecting the same, so get some drinks in you!” No worries, there – they’ve already had plenty of that… The crowd respond accordingly though and pretty soon the room is buzzing as they at least try to go a little crazier.
Ok, so maybe I spoke a little too soon. Apparently The Weeks can do calm, opening with an introduction that’s mostly piano-led. All is calm until the guitars kick in and all ideas of calm and chilled are long gone. It was nice while it lasted, though. The Weeks are certainly a band that keeps the talking to a minimum, choosing instead to go from one track and into the next.
The chatter from the audience tends to worsen during the newer, more unfamiliar material, but it doesn’t last very long because The Weeks crank it right back up and the crowd react accordingly – with dancing and every face is cracking a wide grin. Clearly everybody present is having the best night. At times, it is somewhat difficult to hear the band over the crowd, who sing along where they can – and I love it! I really do love seeing a crowd enjoy a band, especially one that’s as good as these guys. The Weeks have a sound that definitely promises the coming of summer, which is most welcome on a freezing January night in Glasgow. So much so that stepping outside is something of a shock to the system. All in all, it was a brilliant show from one of the most exciting bands I’ve seen in a good while.