Those among you whose heart skips a beat or fear the onset of swooning fits at the merest promise of something sounding like a three studio pact between the Go Betweens, Strawberry Switchblade and Dubstar better brace yourself right this minute.
Out via Leamington records ‘Petulant Sounds’ is – from what we gather – the debut full length from Tramplord from which – and I don’t mind saying – the cut ‘Goodbye Stations’ that has had us transfixed and smitten is prized from. Appealing one suspects to all who sigh to sound of indie pop, twee and c-86 and more besides, who revel in the sweet melancholy of trusted labels such as Bus Stop, Summershine, Sarah to the modern day callings of Matinee, Fortuna pop so on and so forth.
‘Goodbye Stations’ encapsulates perfectly that forlorn joy of sweet sadness, a bitter sweet beauty dimpled and possessed of the same rain drizzled landscapes that prickled the grooves of many a Siddeleys release, whilst resplendent in the knowing pop savvy of the Sundays. Enough said. Perfect.