For the ninth Lockdown Live Session Attawalpa presents an enigmatic three track live session, watch it below.

Track order: No fools , borrowed time , please take care

Quote “For everyone, I imagine self isolating hasn’t been easy. I have been super blessed to have my instruments and a low key studio set up in my flat mates basement. I recently moved in here so Im spending most of this time keeping myself busy. The negatives of this means I find myself falling down rabbit holes for days. Forgetting to go outside for 3-5 days at a time. This is what happens when there’s a studio next to your front door. When GIITTV asked me to do a recorded video to be honest I found my self wrapped in anxiety. At first I wasn’t a huge fan of live streaming shows online because the aspect of the crowd and energy just wasn’t there plus the quality of the recording depends on your WiFi and mine sucks. All this aside I decided to do a few to get over myself and figure out a cool angle to do for GIITTV. I hope you enjoy my ruff and raw solo versions of No Fools, Borrowed Time and, a new song, Please Take Care, enjoyable. I wouldn’t say my latter is my corona tune but it’s close and we should all take care! My ep spells is out now https://ffm.to/spells for all of you to enjoy. Looking forward to get on stage.

Big love . Attawalpa”

A South-American multi-instrumentalist, his meticulous production, melodies and honest lyrics evoke the future as much as the past. Having collaborated with artists such as Misty Miller, Jennifer Herrema, Mick Jagger, Lauren Spiteri, Shame, Lokkhi Terra and Jamie T, Attawalpa has decided to step out of obscurity and into the light.

His music is truly the sum of his influences. Textured sounds, emotions, and grooves from eras across a multitude of genres; sitting comfortably in between rock, alternative and pop spaces. His new EP Spells is out now, from which the single ‘Borrowed Time’ which caught our ears last month is lifted.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.