Quiet Marauder follow up 2020’s ‘Tiny Men Parts‘ EP with new album ‘The Gift’, out on Friday, through Bubblewrap Collective....
The kind folks at the Bubblewrap Collective(one of our very favourite Cardiff labels) have given us the honour of premiering...
This February we ran a series of pieces on BritPOP as both a celebration and a reappraisal of the wave...
Was it not but a week or two that we promised – nay threatened – to return in double quick...
More acts have been added to a positively bursting, brilliant bill of local and UK talent all raising money...
Welcome to the world of Quiet Marauder, a Cardiff-based wacky collective of musicians, quirky British pop experimenters in the best tradition...
Cardiff Mavericks Quiet Marauder are following up their monster 111 track opus ‘MEN’ earlier this year with the release of...
This February we ran a series of pieces on BritPOP as both a celebration and a reappraisal of the wave...
No introductory pre-amble here except to say future missives XV and XVI are very near completion and should be here...
Personally I’ve never been one for the lip caterpillar, muzzy or moustache, always felt they looked daft, underwhelming and slightly...
The first acts have been announced for Cardiff Music Award-winning HUB FESTIVAL, which takes place across Womanby Street this August...
This February we ran a series of pieces on BritPOP as both a celebration and a reappraisal of the wave...
So despite the fact that you are probably heartily tired of lists by now, we begin our run down of...
A welcome back to the tales from the attic wing ding, only seems a mere day or three ago...
In the first of a new regular feature focussing on scenes across the UK, GIITTV editor Bill looks at Cardiff....