Following the release of their critically acclaimed third album ‘Walk the River’ in April, Guillemots are taking their live show...
The celebrated London-based experimental pop group Guillemots are hosting two nights of purely acoustic performances at Village Underground on 30th...
Guillemots have set themselves a fantastic challenge. Sick of the slow, fussy cycle of releasing music, they’ve vowed to put...
“Landfill Indie” was a term coined in 2008 by Andrew Harrison in Word magazine in response to the deluge of...
The day after Neil Armstrong made his final flight from this earth, Stuart Goddard took yet another small step in...
Mike Hadreas has been releasing albums under the name Perfume Genius since 2010. After two albums of sparse eerie lullabies...
On the 26th of October 2006 – that’s 10 years ago this year – I went to the Cardiff University...
Back in 2003 GIITTV was born, intended as a music and culture webzine aimed at celebrating music. Originally a basic...
Dot to Dot is the most exciting multi-venue music festival in the UK, helping to propel bands forward on their...
gUiLLeMoTs are releasing a brand new album ‘Hello Land!’ today and it’s available to buy NOW, online around the world!...
Recent paths for Guillemots haven’t been so great. Mainly this was, of course, geared towards sophomore album Red and Fyfe...