It’s a brave band who throw their guitars on to the post-punk pile in 2017. The genre that launched a...
Standing out in a Dutch underground that churns out exceptional bands at a phenomenal rate is no mean feat. But...
Enola Gay are creating some noise. Their second single ‘Sofa Surfing’ made it onto the BBCRadio6Music’s Playlist with support from...
Galway four-piece The Clockworks have released their new track ‘Advertise Me‘. It’s the first new music from the band since...
London-based Alien Chicks have a whole melting pot of influences in their music – and it works. They generate a...
Over the past two years, Washington D.C’s Priests have quickly established themselves as one of the most vital bands of...
No band feels more “of the moment” than Idles. They are proving that soft boys can make hard music. That...
Melbourne’s ENOLA caught the attention with single ‘Strange Comfort’. What was immediately striking were the lyrics:“You’re not the only one,...
On the second night of their current debut headline UK tour deadletter played Glasgow’s The Flying Duck. The 6-piece are...
In 2017 Detroit post-punk act Protomartyr broke into the mainstream with their dynamic and expansive fourth album Relatives in Descent. ...
Dry Cleaning’s guitarist, bassist and drummer had been at it for the last 12 years, making music in various bands. ...
Having heard and seen endless praise thrown in their direction, I found myself in Narberth’s famous Queen’s Hall, which over...
As a first-time attendee of the Left of the Dial festival in Rotterdam I wanted to take the opportunity to...